
We offer wide rage of Diagnostic services. More details given below

We have partnered with imaging and diagnostic centres to make your visit hassle free. Our diagnostic centres are well equipped with highly sophisticated, modern state of the art technology and provide timely, cost-effective and high quality service.

We provide wide range of services from routine blood tests like complete blood picture to hormonal assays using automated blood cell counter, Chemiluminescent Immunoassay (CLIA) and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent (ELISA) assays.

We are also equipped with brain imaging facilities like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography scan (CT-scan), X-ray, electroencephalogram (EEG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) tests.  

Is a branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of blood and bone marrow related disorders. Common hematology tests include complete blood count to diagnose anaemia (low number of red blood cells), leukemia (low number of white blood cells), thrombocytopenia (low number of platelets), leucocytosis (increase in number of WBC) and thrombocytosis (increase in number of platelets). All the tests are performed by collecting blood samples by a haematologist.

Other haematology tests include

Haematocrit (HCT) – measures the volume of RBC in blood. Low levels of HCT indicate anaemia, bone marrow problemas and kidney problems. High levels of HCT is seen in people living in mountain regions, bone marrow disorders and smokers.

ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) – measures the rate at which RBC sediments. Helps in identifying inflammatory conditions autoimmune diseases, viral or bacterial infections. Autoimmune conditions can be further identified by specific tests like RA factor for rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid antibodies for hashimoto thyroid.

C- reactive protein (CRP test)- measures for CRP protein in the blood plasma. Indicator for inflammation in body. Increase levels of CRP indicates presence of infection, cancer, autoimmune conditions etc. As this is only a marker, further tests are required to confirm the disease.

Prothrombin time (PT) – measures time blood takes to clot. This test is performed to evaluate clotting disorders. Prolonged PT means blood takes longer to clot and could be due to clotting factor deficiency.


Thyroid panel –  This test evaluates thyroid function and detects functioning of thyroid gland: hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones regulates body metabolism and can affect body weight, mood swings, fertility. Hypothyroidism is when thyroid gland do not produce enough hormones. When there is excess production of thyroid hormones, causes hyperthyroidism.

Hypo and hyperthyroidism can also occur due to autoimmune antibodies to thyroid. They do not produce any visible symptoms like enlargement of thyroid gland as with other cases of thyroiditis. Autoimmune thyroiditis can be detected by thyroid antibodies test.

Why do I need Thyroid tests?

  • Unintentional weight gain or weight lose
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Depression
  • Feeling cold/  Increase in sweat
  • Decreased/ Increased bowel movements
  • Swelling in goitre

Lipid profile – Tests for triglycerides, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). Also known as cholesterol test. Increased levels of bad cholesterol results increased risk of getting heart attack, stroke etc. People who are obese, have family history of heart disease, chain smokers are risk of high cholesterol.

Why do I need Lipid profile tests?

  • Obese
  • Overconsumption of red meat and fried foods
  • Family history of high cholesterol
  • Cigarette smoker
  • Inactive lifestyle


Liver function tests – “Commonly used tests to check liver function are alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), albumin, and bilirubin tests. The ALT and AST tests measure enzymes that your liver releases in response to damage or disease. The albumin and bilirubin tests measure how well the liver creates albumin, a protein, and how well it disposes of bilirubin, a waste product of the blood”.

Why do I need Liver function tests?

  • If you are alcoholic and take more than 14 units per week
  • Prone to severe hepatitis infections
  • Autoimmune problems
  • Overuse of painkiller medicines


Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a method that Measures brain electrical activity to determine any abnormalities in brain waves and to evaluate any brain disorders. EEG is most often used to diagnose epilepsy or seizures, sleep disorders, tumors, strokes and dementia.


Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) study measures how fast electrical signals moves through your peripheral nerves to identify nerve damage. Peripheral nerves are motor and sensory nerves that carry information between brain and outer parts of body (muscles or gland)  to feel weather, pain or touch. If the speed is less than normal, indicates nerve damage.

NCV can diagnose muscular and neuromuscular disorders such as herniated discs, sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, Carpal tunnel syndrome and Guillain–Barré syndrome.


Physiotherapy is the science of using movements, electrical stimulations  to cure injuries, disease by restoring physical strength and function. Improves quality of life making them less dependent on their caretakers. Physiotherapy can cure

  • injuries that affect muscles, joints and soft tissues
  • damages to brain or spinal cord like strokes, parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries to restore limb function, balance and walking
  • diseases of heart and lungs to expand lung capacity, improve shortness of breath, help cough easily and to prevent lung infections

When do I need physiotherapy?

  • Loss of balance
  • Uncontrollable bowel movements
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Spinal pain
  • Sprains that do not heel quick enough
  • Post surgery
  • During and post pregnancy


X-ray is an imaging test to monitor inside body without using any invasive procedures. Uses ionising radiations

You might need an X-ray,

  • When you have pain or discomfort in any part of body
  • Suspected lung infection
  • Digestive issues
  • Fracture
  • Arthritis


Imaging test to monitor inside body using X-rays and computer. While MRI produces a detailed picture of soft tissues, CT scan is more suited for bone injuries, Lung and Chest imaging. CT scan can also detect tumors, stroke, blood vessel defects, herniated discs, fractures and spinal injuries. CT scan takes less time than an MRI. Depending on the condition, doctor suggests for a CT scan or MRI.


Imaging test to monitor inside body. Uses magnetic field, radio waves and a computer generate images. MRI can be used to study almost any part of the body. MRI gives a clear picture of soft tissues, while hard bone and air spaces appear black. Images of other soft tissues, bone marrow, blood, ligaments and cerebrospinal fluid vary in intensity from white to black. Radiologists study these variations in intensity and size to see if the tissue is healthy.

MRI can detect brain tumors, brain injury, blockage of blood vessels, causes of headache, stroke, herniated discs, fractures and spinal injuries.


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